
A couple of years ago I had multiple computers to satify my tech needs. A big gaming rig in the hobby room, a homelab server in the living room also connected to the bigscreen for server tasks and Kodi for multimedia and finally a little Macbook Pro for fun and browsing the interweb 🙂

At some point I decided this was not what I wanted anymore. So all that is left is a Macbook Pro from work and a big homelab server to take care of all the rest:

  • Browing the web with the Gnome desktop enviroment
  • running podman containers to do everything from my download stack to providing me with top in class email services to stuff like SIEM Wazuh and of course Plex to watch multimedia directly on the big screen or remote.
  • Serious data hoarding utilizing openZFS and 6 18TB Tshiba hdd’s.
  • Serious specs: a Ryzen 9 7950X 16 core CPU, 128GB DDR5 4800 and a Samsung Datacentre grade 3.78 TB NVMe SSD (2).
  • Gaming using a Windows 11 KVM (1)

OS of choice has been RHEL (clones) for years and years, so these days that turned out to be Alma Linux 9. So this blog will be about my adventures with enterprise Linux and all one can do with it these days. Hope you enjoy it and of course: can actually do something yourself with the info I provide.

My server of all trades
NAS, Homelabserver, desktop, gaming centre and browserstack
  1. Got rid of the Geforce 4090 though, but soon I intend to put a 5090 back 😀
  2. F*ck marketing, but 2 to 3 times the TBW of any consumer drive is a nice bonus if you don’t want to worry about wear on the (semi) long term 😀